Function queueOnlyLatest

  • Implements the Ember-Concurrency strategy keepLatest. Like queueing, but with a maximum queue size of 1. In the event of multiple conflicting events, only the latest will trigger a handling, after the current handling is complete.

    Type Parameters

    • T

    • R

    • S = R


    • workCreator: ((event: T) => ObservableInput<R>)

      The Observable-factory whose latest subscription is to be enqueued

        • (event: T): ObservableInput<R>
        • Parameters

          • event: T

          Returns ObservableInput<R>

    • Optional mapper: ((_: T, inner: R) => S)

      A function to combine each emission of the togglable with the trigger itself, making it the new value of the togglable.

        • (_: T, inner: R): S
        • Parameters

          • _: T
          • inner: R

          Returns S

    Returns OperatorFunction<T, S>

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