Creates an Effect - A higher-order wrapper around a Promise-or-Observable returning function.
The effect is debounced for msec, meaning a new invocation waits to being, and interrupts any existing delay or execution.
The effect is cancelable if it returns an Observable. createDebouncedEffect runs in concurrency mode: "switching".
Note: not only will the debounce interval be canceled upon a new request, cancelation will extend to the underlying effect as well,
for example canceling a fetch - provided the EffectSource returned an Observable.
Creates an Effect - A higher-order wrapper around a Promise-or-Observable returning function. The effect is debounced for
, meaning a new invocation waits to being, and interrupts any existing delay or execution. The effect is cancelable if it returns an Observable.createDebouncedEffect
runs in concurrency mode: "switching". Note: not only will the debounce interval be canceled upon a new request, cancelation will extend to the underlying effect as well, for example canceling afetch
- provided the EffectSource returned an Observable.