
𝗥𝘅𝑓𝑥 after

A hybrid of Promise and Observable, useful for introducing delays, or creating scripts of delays, which are cancelable or await-able. Part of the 𝗥𝘅𝑓𝑥 family of libraries.

after makes common use-cases of deferred values and function calls more readable, and works in an Observable or Promise context (eg with await).

Call styles

  • after(0, value)
  • after(N, value)
  • after(N, ()=>value))
  • after(N, Observable))
  • after(Promise, ()=>value))
  • after(Promise, ()=>value, { unsubscribe(){ console.log('canceled'); })
  • after(setTimeout, ()=>value))
  • after(requestAnimationFrame, ()=>value))

Behaviors: Assuming const fn = ()=>value;

  • after(0, value).subscribe(next: console.log)
    • Logs value synchronously
  • const result = await after(N, value)
    • Populates result with value after N milliseconds
  • const result = await after(N, fn)
    • Invokes synchronous fn and populates result with value after N milliseconds
  • after(N, obs:Observable))
    • Creates an AwaitableObservable whose notifications and subscription are delayed by N. Note this differs from obs.pipe(delay(N)) which delays only notifications.
  • after(promise, fn))
    • Creates an AwaitableObservable of the invocation of fn with the resolution of promise. But it is cancelable: after(Promise.resolve(), console.log).subscribe().unsubscribe() will not invoke console.log.
  • after(setTimeout, fn))
    • Invokes fn ala setTimeout(fn, 0) to schedule fn() on the macro-task queue.
  • after(..., { unsubscribe(){ console.log('canceled'); })
    • Invoke a callback f the subscription of the after has its unsubscribe() method called:
    • const sub = after(...).subscribe(); /* later */ sub.unsubscribe();

after also re-exports concat from RxJS, so several afters can be sequenced:

after(0, () => console.log("started")),
after(250, () => console.log("complete"))
console.log("work is in progress")

// "started" // synchronously
// "work is in progress"
// "complete" // after 250 msec


Technically, after returns an Observable with both subscribe and then methods on it, meaning it acts as either a Promise or an Observable! We call this type AwaitableObservable, and when awaited, it resolves to the firstValueFrom of the Observable.

Keep in mind, however, that since it is an Observable underneath, it is lazy. Unless you call subscribe or then, a function arg passed to it will not be invoked. Think of after as creating an unstarted process for a zero or a non-zero delay. And which produces a return value, not only calling a function.

await after(100, ()=>console.log('done')) will work however, because of the .then method.

A subscription to after(..) is of course cancelable, so the latter part can remain un-invoked. This benefit is only available with .subscribe(), not with await.

Where Is it Most Useful

Mock behavior - in Storybook, tests, etc. If you have a system that depends on async values, you can swap in an after-returning function for either a Promise-returning or Observable-returning function.

For example, in this example of a batch-lookup script, you can approximate the timing with an after, and in tests, then switch to a real endpoint, and the timing and sequencing will work the same, guaranteed.

const mockLookup = id => after(1000, ()=>({id, username: 'foo'}));
const realLookup = id => fetch(`/someurl?id=${id}`).then(r=>r.json())

const idsToProcess = [1,2,3...];
const process = from(idsToProcess).pipe(
// concatMap(realLookup),
const execution = process.subscribe({complete(){ console.log('done') });
// execution.unsubscribe() // if you need to cancel

3rd argument - Observer

You can pass an Observer as the 3rd argument. This is most useful for detecting when the after is canceled.

() => console.log("complete"),
{ unsubscribe(){ console.log("canceled")} }

// "canceled"

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